There is no evidence that the source of the current sightings of “unknown anomalies” is extraterrestrial life. The director thinks it’s highly unlikely that aliens have visited Earth.

There is no evidence that the source of the current sightings of “unknown anomalies” is extraterrestrial life. The director thinks it’s highly unlikely that aliens have visited Earth.

Following the heated debate over the display of “alien remains” at a congressional hearing in Mexico, NASA’s independent panel issued a study report on “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena” (UAP) on September 14. That is, the investigation of Ufos (unidentified flying objects).

After studying and analyzing the UFO sightings in the past year, Chen concluded that it was not confirmed that the source of the existing “unknown abnormal signs” of sightings was extraterrestrial life. However, due to the lack of continuous detailed inspection, there is not enough data to make a definitive conclusion about the “unknown anomaly”.

This 33-page statement is not as the outside world is waiting to list a variety of UFO eye confusion cases, but mainly questions and answers, explaining the gist of the independent group analysis of data, research survival achievements and future data network analysis bias. Chen especially mentioned that in the future, AI and mechanical learning will be the necessary wrist to monitor UFO disturbances.

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said the goal of the self-study group was to turn the outside world’s curiosity about unknown anomalies into an interest in superstition.

Photo Source: NASA
NASA’s Independent Research Group on Unexplained Anomalies was established in June last year and consists of 16 scientists, astronauts, aerospace officials and scientists.

One of the key scenarios the panel established was the dramatic increase in UFO sightings in the United States in recent years, for reasons unrelated to politics: the U.S. Department of Defense encouraged military employees to report Ufos in order to study the security risks that Ufos pose to the United States and whether they could be used to equip the spy networks of adversaries.

According to the complaint, from March 2021 to August 2022, the U.S. Department of Defense received 247 UFO sightings. In the 17 years leading up to March 2021, the Defense Department received 263 complaints.

However, the NASA Independent Study team concluded that it could not be confirmed that the apparent UFO sightings were unrelated to extraterrestrial objects. For example, an unidentified object photographed by a naval pilot on the aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt, confusingly reported that the object was grazing the sea at an alarming rate.

Photo Source: NASA
Through the analysis of data such as the Angle of the camera, wind speed, flight height of the aircraft, and the distance between the objects between the aircraft, the independent research team concluded that the object was not in a super-high speed flying state at the time, and the pilot believed that the speed of the object was partly due to the parallax effect.

The team also asked whether the object’s color in the video is lighter than that of fresh water, meaning that its temperature can be lower than that of land, and therefore whether the object could not push the system at all, but rather float in the air depending on the wind.

As for how to monitor UFO disturbances, Chen said whether the wrist used for monitoring includes NASA satellites, radar, geographic telescopes, and eyewitness reports. Taking the earth inspection satellite as an example, although the satellite is unable to detect small objects similar to Ufos on the Earth, it can inspect the situation at the time and find out whether the UFO can induce changes in the land, atmosphere and high altitude state.

However, the Independent Study Group believes that the biggest achievement in the current study of UFO chaos is the lack of metadata and poor quality of data. Discontinuous monitoring data and equipment that records UFO disturbances are not used for superstitious research, but are the reason for the low quality of data. In addition, the data accuracy of military monitoring equipment and spy satellite networks is higher, but the relevant data is stolen data, and ordinary scientific research teams are helpless to obtain.

Although there are a large number of UFO sightings, due to the lack of continuous, detailed and well-planned inspection tracking, the current insufficient data of the independent study group can not identify the abnormal signs and make inconclusive superstitious conclusions.

For the future data network, the self-research group called for the participation of trading companies and the public, and the group also launched a real-time network of unidentified flying objects filmed by the public around the open source mobile app.

The presentation is particularly exaggerated, AI and mechanical training will be necessary to investigate the UFO chaos, these objects can quickly parse information from satellites and radar systems. However, the effectiveness of AI and mechanical education depends on the quality of the data used to practice AI, so compared to skills, the most missing part of UFO research is still high-quality data.

Although the Independent Research team concluded that it has not been proven that the UFO sightings were not related to extraterrestrial life, the research team also agreed that extraterrestrial life could leave Earth through the solar system.

NASA Administrator Scott Nielsen expressed a similar concept at a news conference Thursday. Nelson believes that other life exists in the universe, but he thinks it is highly unlikely that extraterrestrial life has visited Earth.

In July, a former US Air Force intelligence officer told a congressional hearing that US authorities had for years been tracking the remains of “non-human” pilots on a classified network, as well as tracking down crashed Ufos and trying to remobilize them.

Nielsen, for his part, firmly denied the confirmation that NASA was trying to cover up the presence of aliens. Nelson said that the former intelligence officer who joined the hearing was essentially secondary news, without providing any substantive confirmation: “What he [the former intelligence officer] said was that he had an enemy who knew that there were Ufos in a certain stack, and another enemy told him that there were alien bodies.”

NASA scientist David Spergel did not give a similar response to Nelson’s presentation of “alien remains” at a Mexican congressional hearing. Spurkill called for Mexico to give the body samples to the global superstition community “so we can find out what it is.”


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